Aspartic Acid Proteases


Engelsk definition

A subclass of peptide hydrolases that depend on an ASPARTIC ACID residue for their activity.

Svenska synonymer

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Engelska synonymer

Acid Proteases, Aspartic Proteases, Aspartic Acid Aspartic Acid Protease Acid Protease, Aspartic Protease, Aspartic Acid Aspartic Acid Proteinase Acid Proteinase, Aspartic Proteinase, Aspartic Acid Aspartyl Proteinases Proteinases, Aspartyl Aspartic Acid Proteinases Proteinases, Aspartic Acid Aspartic Proteinases Proteinases, Aspartic Aspartyl Proteases Proteases, Aspartyl Aspartyl Proteinase Proteinase, Aspartyl Aspartyl Protease Protease, Aspartyl Aspartic Proteinase Proteinase, Aspartic