Receptors, Natural Killer Cell


Svensk definition

Receptorer som förekommer specifikt på ytan av naturliga mördarceller (NK-celler). De spelar en viktig roll i regleringen av den cellförmedlade delen av den medfödda immuniteten.

Engelsk definition

Receptors that are specifically found on the surface of NATURAL KILLER CELLS. They play an important role in regulating the cellular component of INNATE IMMUNITY.

Svenska synonymer

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Engelska synonymer

NK Cell Receptor Cell Receptor, NK Receptor, NK Cell Natural Killer Cell Receptors NK Cell Receptors Cell Receptors, NK Receptors, NK Cell Natural Killer Cell Receptor Natural Killer Cell Activating Receptors Natural Killer Cell Activating Receptor Natural Killer Cell Inhibitory Receptors Natural Killer Cell Inhibitory Receptor