Ribosome Inactivating Proteins

Ribosominaktiverande proteiner

Engelsk definition

N-Glycosidases that remove adenines from RIBOSOMAL RNA, depurinating the conserved alpha-sarcin loop of 28S RIBOSOMAL RNA. They often consist of a toxic A subunit and a binding lectin B subunit. They may be considered as PROTEIN SYNTHESIS INHIBITORS. They are found in many PLANTS and have cytotoxic and antiviral activity.

Svenska synonymer

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Engelska synonymer

Inactivating Proteins, Ribosome Proteins, Ribosome Inactivating RIP (Ribosome Inactivating Proteins) RIP Ribosome Inactivating Proteins RNA N-Glycosidase N-Glycosidase, RNA RNA N Glycosidase rRNA N-Glycosylases N-Glycosylases, rRNA rRNA N Glycosylases Polynucleotide Adenosine Glycosidase Adenosine Glycosidase, Polynucleotide Glycosidase, Polynucleotide Adenosine RNA Glycosylase Glycosylase, RNA