Protein Phosphatase 1

Proteinfosfatas 1

Engelsk definition

A eukayrotic protein serine-threonine phosphatase subtype that dephosphorylates a wide variety of cellular proteins. The enzyme is comprised of a catalytic subunit and regulatory subunit. Several isoforms of the protein phosphatase catalytic subunit exist due to the presence of multiple genes and the alternative splicing of their mRNAs. A large number of proteins have been shown to act as regulatory subunits for this enzyme. Many of the regulatory subunits have additional cellular functions.

Svenska synonymer

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Engelska synonymer

PP1c Enzyme Protein Phosphatase-1 Type 1 Serine Threonine Protein Phosphatase Protein Phosphatase 1, Regulatory Subunit Protein Phosphatase 1, Inhibitory Subunit Protein Phosphatase 1, Catalytic Subunit Protein Phosphatase 1C Protein Phosphatase 1, Catalytic Subunit, gamma1 Isoform Phosphoprotein Phosphatase-1 gamma 1 Phosphoprotein Phosphatase 1 gamma 1 Protein Phosphatase 1, Catalytic Subunit, beta Isoform Protein Serine-Threonine Phosphatase 1 beta Protein Serine Threonine Phosphatase 1 beta Protein-Serine-Threonine Phosphatase 1 beta Protein Phosphatase 1, Catalytic Subunit, delta Isoform Phosphoprotein Phosphatase-1 delta Phosphatase-1 delta, Phosphoprotein Phosphoprotein Phosphatase 1 delta Protein Phosphatase 1, Catalytic Subunit, gamma Isoform Protein Phosphatase 1gamma Protein Phosphatase-1G Protein Phosphatase 1G Protein Phosphatase 1C gamma Protein Phosphatase 1, Catalytic Subunit, gamma2 Isoform Protein Phosphatase-1 gamma 2 Protein Phosphatase 1 gamma 2 Protein Phosphatase 1, Catalytic Subunit, alpha Isoform Protein Phosphatase-1 alpha Protein Phosphatase 1 alpha