Heterotrophic Processes

Heterotrofa processer

Engelsk definition

The processes by which organisms utilize organic substances as their nutrient sources. Contrasts with AUTOTROPHIC PROCESSES which make use of simple inorganic substances as the nutrient supply source. Heterotrophs can be either chemoheterotrophs (or chemoorganotrophs) which also require organic substances such as glucose for their primary metabolic energy requirements, or photoheterotrophs (or photoorganotrophs) which derive their primary energy requirements from light. Depending on environmental conditions some organisms can switch between different nutritional modes (AUTOTROPHY; heterotrophy; chemotrophy; or PHOTOTROPHY) to utilize different sources to meet their nutrients and energy requirements.

Svenska synonymer

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Engelska synonymer

Processes, Heterotrophic Heterotrophic Process Process, Heterotrophic Heterotrophic Growth Growth, Heterotrophic Heterotrophy