Receptor, Galanin, Type 2

Galanin-typ 2-receptor

Svensk definition

En galaninreceptortyp med bred specificitet för komplett galanin, galaninpeptidfragment och galaninliknande peptid.

Engelsk definition

A galanin receptor subtype with broad specificity for full length GALANIN, galanin peptide fragments and GALANIN-LIKE PEPTIDE.

Svenska synonymer

Receptor, galanin typ 2

Engelska synonymer

Galanin Receptor 2 Receptor 2, Galanin GALR2 Galanin Receptor Galanin Receptor, GALR2 Receptor, GALR2 Galanin Galanin-2 Receptor Galanin 2 Receptor Receptor, Galanin-2