Median Neuropathy


Svensk definition

Sjukdomstillstånd i mediannerven, från armnervnätet till nervänden i handen. Kliniska tecken är svaghet i handleds- och fingerböjning, underarmsvridning, tenar abduktion, känselbortfall i handflatan, de tre första fingrarna och ringfingrets radialdel. Armbågen är en vanlig plats för skada, där nerven passerar genom pronatormuskelns två fästen (pronatorsyndromet) och karpaltunneln (karpaltunnelsyndromet).

Engelsk definition

Disease involving the median nerve, from its origin at the BRACHIAL PLEXUS to its termination in the hand. Clinical features include weakness of wrist and finger flexion, forearm pronation, thenar abduction, and loss of sensation over the lateral palm, first three fingers, and radial half of the ring finger. Common sites of injury include the elbow, where the nerve passes through the two heads of the pronator teres muscle (pronator syndrome) and in the carpal tunnel (CARPAL TUNNEL SYNDROME).

Svenska synonymer

Mediannervsjukdomar Mediannervneuropati Mediannervinklämning Mediannervneurologi

Engelska synonymer

Median Neuropathies Median Mononeuropathy Median Mononeuropathies Mononeuropathy, Median Median Nerve Neuropathy Median Nerve Neuropathies Nerve Neuropathy, Median Neuropathy, Median Nerve Median Nerve Diseases Median Nerve Disease Nerve Disease, Median Neuropathy, Median Medial Neuropathy, Distal Distal Medial Neuropathies Distal Medial Neuropathy Neuropathy, Distal Medial Median Nerve Neuralgia Median Nerve Neuralgias Neuralgia, Median Nerve Median Neuropathy, Proximal Neuropathy, Proximal Median Proximal Median Neuropathies Proximal Median Neuropathy Median Nerve Entrapment Entrapment, Median Nerve Median Nerve Entrapments Nerve Entrapment, Median Median Nerve Entrapment Neuropathy