Svensk definition
Kirurgisk portosystemisk shunt med syfte att reducera portal hypertoni i samband med esofagusvaricer och ascites. Ingreppet sker perkutant via halsvenen och en intrahepatisk shunt etableras mellan levervenen och portalvenen. Passagen upprätthålls med en metallstent. Används hos patienter med misslyckad skleroterapi och är ytterligare alternativ till andra kirurgiska shunt-metoder. Operationstiden är 1-3 timmar.
Engelsk definition
A type of surgical portasystemic shunt to reduce portal hypertension with associated complications of esophageal varices and ascites. It is performed percutaneously through the jugular vein and involves the creation of an intrahepatic shunt between the hepatic vein and portal vein. The channel is maintained by a metallic stent. The procedure can be performed in patients who have failed sclerotherapy and is an additional option to the surgical techniques of portocaval, mesocaval, and splenorenal shunts. It takes one to three hours to perform. (JAMA 1995;273(23):1824-30)
Svenska synonymer
TIPSS — Transjugulär intrahepatisk portosystemisk shunt
Engelska synonymer
Shunt, Transjugular Intrahepatic Portasystemic — TIPSS — Shunt, Transjugular Intrahepatic Portosystemic — Portosystemic Shunt, Transjugular Intrahepatic — TIPS — Transjugular Intrahepatic Portasystemic Shunt