Fournier Gangrene

Fourniers gangrän

Svensk definition

Akut, infektiös gangrän (kallbrand) som drabbar pungen, penis och bäckenbotten, och som orsakas av grampositiva bakterier, enterobaciller och anaeroba bakterier, oftast till följd av skada, operationsingrepp eller urinvägsinfektion.

Engelsk definition

An acute necrotic infection of the SCROTUM; PENIS; or PERINEUM. It is characterized by scrotum pain and redness with rapid progression to gangrene and sloughing of tissue. Fournier gangrene is usually secondary to perirectal or periurethral infections associated with local trauma, operative procedures, or urinary tract disease.

Svenska synonymer

Inga svenska synonymer finns.

Engelska synonymer

Gangrene, Fournier Fournier's Disease Fourniers Disease Fournier's Gangrene Fourniers Gangrene Gangrene, Fournier's Fournier Disease