Dentate Gyrus

Gyrus dentatus

Svensk definition

Grå nervsubstans belägen ovanför hippocampusvindlingen (gyrus hippocampi). Den består av tre skikt. Molekylärlagret går i ett med hippocampus i hippocampusfåran. Det granulära (korniga) lagret utgörs av tätt packade, runda eller ovala nervceller, kallade kornceller, vars axoner passerar igenom det polymorfa skiktet som gränsar mot hippocampus pyramidcellsdendriter.

Engelsk definition

GRAY MATTER situated above the GYRUS HIPPOCAMPI. It is composed of three layers. The molecular layer is continuous with the HIPPOCAMPUS in the hippocampal fissure. The granular layer consists of closely arranged spherical or oval neurons, called GRANULE CELLS, whose AXONS pass through the polymorphic layer ending on the DENDRITES of PYRAMIDAL CELLS in the hippocampus.

Svenska synonymer

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Engelska synonymer

Gyrus, Dentate Area Dentata Area Dentatas Dentata, Area Dentatas, Area Fascia Dentata Dentata, Fascia Dentate Fascia Fascia, Dentate Gyrus Dentatus CA4 Region, Hippocampal Hippocampal CA4 Region Region, Hippocampal CA4 Hippocampal Sector CA4 CA4, Hippocampal Sector Sector CA4, Hippocampal Hilus Gyri Dentati Hippocampal CA4 Field CA4 Field, Hippocampal Field, Hippocampal CA4 CA4 of Lorente de No Hilus of the Fascia Dentata CA4 Field of Hippocampal Formation Cornu Ammonis 4 Area Hilus of Dentate Gyrus