Environmental Illness


Svensk definition

Mångsymtomatiska tillstånd som av miljömedicinare tros bero på störningar i immunsystemet till följd av vanliga födoämnen, allergener och kemikalier, vilka kan ge upphov till olika kroppsliga och psykiska störningar. Inom den medicinska vetenskapen råder dock en utbredd skepsis till denna sjukdomsbild.

Engelsk definition

A polysymptomatic condition believed by clinical ecologists to result from immune dysregulation induced by common foods, allergens, and chemicals, resulting in various physical and mental disorders. The medical community has remained largely skeptical of the existence of this "disease", given the plethora of symptoms attributed to environmental illness, the lack of reproducible laboratory abnormalities, and the use of unproven therapies to treat the condition. (From Segen, Dictionary of Modern Medicine, 1992)

Svenska synonymer

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Engelska synonymer

Environmental Hypersensitivity Illnesses, Environmental Hypersensitivities, Environmental Hypersensitivity, Environmental Illness, Environmental Environmental Hypersensitivities Environmental Illnesses