Receptors, Leukotriene


Svensk definition

Cellytereceptorer som binder leukotriener med hög affinitet och utlöser intracellulära reaktioner som påverkar cellers beteende. Undertyper av leukotrienreceptorer har fått provisoriska benämningar efter sin affinitet för de endogena leukotrienerna LTB4, LTC4, LTD4 och LTE4.

Engelsk definition

Cell-surface receptors that bind LEUKOTRIENES with high affinity and trigger intracellular changes influencing the behavior of cells. The leukotriene receptor subtypes have been tentatively named according to their affinities for the endogenous leukotrienes LTB4; LTC4; LTD4; and LTE4.

Svenska synonymer

Receptorer, leukotrien SRS-A receptorer

Engelska synonymer

Leukotriene Receptors Leukotriene Receptor Receptor, Leukotriene Receptors, Leukotrienes Leukotrienes Receptors SRS-A Receptors SRS A Receptors Slow Reaction Substance of Anaphylaxis Receptors Slow Reacting Substance of Anaphylaxis Receptors SRS-A Receptor Receptor, SRS-A SRS A Receptor Receptors, SRS-A Receptors, SRS A