Immunotherapy, Adoptive

Immunterapi, adoptiv

Svensk definition

En form av adoptiv överföring där celler med antitumöreffekt överförs till den cancerdrabbade individen för att mediera tillbakagång av tumören. De lymfceller som oftast används är lymfokinaktiverade mördarceller och tumörinfiltrerande lymfocyter. Denna behandlingsform räknas vanligtvis som passiv immunterapi.

Engelsk definition

Form of adoptive transfer where cells with antitumor activity are transferred to the tumor-bearing host in order to mediate tumor regression. The lymphoid cells commonly used are lymphokine-activated killer (LAK) cells and tumor-infiltrating lymphocytes (TIL). This is usually considered a form of passive immunotherapy. (From DeVita, et al., Cancer, 1993, pp.305-7, 314)

Svenska synonymer

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Engelska synonymer

Immunotherapy, Adoptive Cellular Adoptive Immunotherapy Adoptive Immunotherapies Immunotherapies, Adoptive Cellular Immunotherapy, Adoptive Adoptive Cellular Immunotherapies Cellular Immunotherapies, Adoptive Immunotherapies, Adoptive Cellular Adoptive Cellular Immunotherapy Chimeric Antigen Receptor Therapy CAR T-Cell Therapy CAR T Cell Therapy CAR T-Cell Therapies T-Cell Therapies, CAR T-Cell Therapy, CAR Therapies, CAR T-Cell Therapy, CAR T-Cell