Epidermolysis Bullosa Acquisita

Epidermolysis bullosa acquisita

Svensk definition

En form av epidermolysis bullosa som kännetecknas av traumatiskt framkallad, subepidermal blåsbildning, utan ärftlig sjukdomshistoria. Direkt immunfluorescens visar lagring av IgG vid den dermala-epidermala kontakten.

Engelsk definition

Form of epidermolysis bullosa characterized by trauma-induced, subepidermal blistering with no family history of the disease. Direct immunofluorescence shows IMMUNOGLOBULIN G deposited at the dermo-epidermal junction.

Svenska synonymer

Inga svenska synonymer finns.

Engelska synonymer

Acquired Form of Epidermolysis Bullosa Epidermolysis Bullosa, Acquired Acquired Epidermolysis Bullosa