

Engelsk definition

Large marine mammals of the order CETACEA. In the past, they were commercially valued for whale oil, for their flesh as human food and in ANIMAL FEED and FERTILIZERS, and for baleen. Today, there is a moratorium on most commercial whaling, as all species are either listed as endangered or threatened.

Svenska synonymer

Inga svenska synonymer finns.

Engelska synonymer

Whale Giant Bottle-Nosed Whales Bottle-Nosed Whale, Giant Bottle-Nosed Whales, Giant Giant Bottle Nosed Whales Giant Bottle-Nosed Whale Berardius Goose-Beaked Whale Goose Beaked Whale Goose-Beaked Whales Ziphius Beaked Whales Beaked Whale Ziphiidae Gray Whale Gray Whales Eschrichtius robustus Grey Whale Grey Whales Whale, Grey Whales, Grey Right Whale, Southern Right Whales, Southern Southern Right Whale Southern Right Whales Whale, Southern Right Whales, Southern Right Eubalaena australis Dwarf Sperm Whale Dwarf Sperm Whales Sperm Whale, Dwarf Sperm Whales, Dwarf Narwhals Narwhal Monodon monoceros Pygmy Right Whale Pygmy Right Whales Right Whale, Pygmy Right Whales, Pygmy Caperea Pygmy Sperm Whale Pygmy Sperm Whales Sperm Whale, Pygmy Sperm Whales, Pygmy Right Whale, North Atlantic North Atlantic Right Whale Mesoplodon