Receptors, LDL


Svensk definition

Receptorer på plasmamembranet till andra celler än leverceller som specifikt binder LDL. Receptorerna är belägna i specialiserade områden som kallas täckta gropar. Hyperkolesteremi orsakas av tre typer av allelisk genetisk defekt: 1. Receptorer binder inte till LDL; 2. Bindningsförmåga till LDL är nedsatt; 3. Det sker en normal bindning, men LDL tas inte upp. Till följd härav hindras kolesterolestrar att tas upp av cellen och den intracellulära responsen genom kolesterol på 3-hydroxi-3-metylglutaryl CoA- reductas uteblir.

Engelsk definition

Receptors on the plasma membrane of nonhepatic cells that specifically bind LDL. The receptors are localized in specialized regions called coated pits. Hypercholesteremia is caused by an allelic genetic defect of three types: 1, receptors do not bind to LDL; 2, there is reduced binding of LDL; and 3, there is normal binding but no internalization of LDL. In consequence, entry of cholesterol esters into the cell is impaired and the intracellular feedback by cholesterol on 3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl CoA reductase is lacking.

Svenska synonymer

Receptorer, LDL

Engelska synonymer

LDL Receptors LDL Receptors, Lipoprotein Receptors, Lipoprotein LDL Lipoprotein LDL Receptors Low Density Lipoprotein Receptors Receptors, Lipoprotein, LDL Receptors, Low Density Lipoprotein LDL Receptor Receptor, LDL Low Density Lipoprotein Receptor