Psychomotor Performance

Psykomotorisk funktion

Svensk definition

Koordination av sensorisk eller kognitiv process och motorisk aktivitet.

Engelsk definition

The coordination of a sensory or ideational (cognitive) process and a motor activity.

Svenska synonymer

Inga svenska synonymer finns.

Engelska synonymer

Performance, Psychomotor Performances, Psychomotor Psychomotor Performances Visual Motor Coordination Coordination, Visual Motor Coordinations, Visual Motor Motor Coordination, Visual Motor Coordinations, Visual Visual Motor Coordinations Perceptual Motor Performance Motor Performance, Perceptual Motor Performances, Perceptual Perceptual Motor Performances Performance, Perceptual Motor Performances, Perceptual Motor Sensory Motor Performance Motor Performance, Sensory Motor Performances, Sensory Performance, Sensory Motor Performances, Sensory Motor Sensory Motor Performances