

Svensk definition

Polysackarider med hög molekylär vikt som finns i cellväggarna hos alla växter. Pektiner binder ihop cellväggar. De används som emulgeringsmedel och stabiliserande medel i livsmedelsindustrin. De har prövats i ett flertal behandlingsområden inklusive antidiarretika, där de numera anses ineffektiva, och vid behandling av hyperkolesterolemi.

Engelsk definition

High molecular weight polysaccharides present in the cell walls of all plants. Pectins cement cell walls together. They are used as emulsifiers and stabilizers in the food industry. They have been tried for a variety of therapeutic uses including as antidiarrheals, where they are now generally considered ineffective, and in the treatment of hypercholesterolemia.

Svenska synonymer

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Engelska synonymer

Pectin Pectinic Acid Methoxypectin Methoxylpectin Methoxy Pectin Pectin, Methoxy Calcium Pectinate Pectinate, Calcium Zinc Pectinate Pectinate, Zinc