Muscle Rigidity


Svensk definition

Ihållande, ofrivillig muskelsammandragning, som ofta är ett tecken på basalgangliesjukdom. När en påverkad muskel sträcks passivt förblir graden av motstånd konstant oberoende av hur fort muskeln sträcks. Detta särdrag är till hjälp för att avgöra skillnaden mellan muskelstelhet och muskelspasticitet.

Engelsk definition

Continuous involuntary sustained muscle contraction which is often a manifestation of BASAL GANGLIA DISEASES. When an affected muscle is passively stretched, the degree of resistance remains constant regardless of the rate at which the muscle is stretched. This feature helps to distinguish rigidity from MUSCLE SPASTICITY. (From Adams et al., Principles of Neurology, 6th ed, p73)

Svenska synonymer

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Engelska synonymer

Rigidity, Muscle Rigidity, Muscular Muscular Rigidity Cogwheel Rigidity Cogwheel Rigidities Rigidities, Cogwheel Rigidity, Cogwheel Nuchal Rigidity Rigidity, Nuchal Extrapyramidal Rigidity Rigidity, Extrapyramidal Gegenhalten Gegenhaltens Catatonic Rigidity Rigidity, Catatonic Extensor Rigidity Rigidity, Extensor