Mandibular Nerve


Svensk definition

En gren av trigeminalnerven (den femte kranialnerven). Underkäksnerven leder motoriska nerver till tuggmusklerna och känselnerver till tänderna och tandköttet, till nedre delen av ansiktet och till delar av den hårda hjärnhinnan.

Engelsk definition

A branch of the trigeminal (5th cranial) nerve. The mandibular nerve carries motor fibers to the muscles of mastication and sensory fibers to the teeth and gingivae, the face in the region of the mandible, and parts of the dura.

Svenska synonymer

Mandibularnerv Nervus mandibularis

Engelska synonymer

Mandibular Nerves Nerve, Mandibular Mylohyoid Nerve Mylohyoid Nerves Nerve, Mylohyoid Mental Nerve Mental Nerves Nerve, Mental Auriculotemporal Nerve Auriculotemporal Nerves Nerve, Auriculotemporal Masseteric Nerve Masseteric Nerves Nerve, Masseteric Deep Temporal Nerve Deep Temporal Nerves Nerve, Deep Temporal Temporal Nerve, Deep Temporal Nerves, Deep Buccal Nerve Buccal Nerves Nerve, Buccal Alveolar Nerve, Inferior Inferior Alveolar Nerve Inferior Alveolar Nerves Nerve, Inferior Alveolar Lateral Pterygoid Nerve Lateral Pterygoid Nerves Nerve, Lateral Pterygoid Pterygoid Nerve, Lateral Pterygoid Nerves, Lateral