Pemphigoid Gestationis

Pemphigoid gestationis

Svensk definition

Kliande utslag under graviditeten och puerperiet som återkommer vid senare graviditeter.

Engelsk definition

An itching, autoimmune, bullous SKIN disease that occurs during the last two trimesters of PREGNANCY and PUERPERIUM. It also affects non-pregnant females with tissue of PLACENTA origin, such as CHORIOCARCINOMA; or HYDATIDIFORM MOLE. It exhibits antigenic and clinical similarity to bullous pemphigoid (PEMPHIGOID, BULLOUS). This disease does not involve herpes viruses (old name, herpes gestationis).

Svenska synonymer

Herpes gestationis

Engelska synonymer

Gestationi, Pemphigoid Gestationis, Pemphigoid Pemphigoid Gestationi Gestational Pemphigoid Gestational Pemphigoids Pemphigoid, Gestational Pemphigoids, Gestational Herpes Gestationis