

Svensk definition

Det viktigaste sialoglykoproteinet i människans erytrocytmembran. Det består av åtminstone två sialoglykopeptider med 60% kolväten (inkl. sialinsyra) och 40% protein. Proteinet ingår i ett antal olika biologiska processer, som bl a omfattar bindning av MN-blodgrupper, influenzavirus, fytohemagglutinin och vetegroddsagglutinin.

Engelsk definition

The major sialoglycoprotein of human erythrocyte membranes. It consists of at least two sialoglycopeptides and is composed of 60% carbohydrate including sialic acid and 40% protein. It is involved in a number of different biological activities including the binding of MN blood groups, influenza viruses, kidney bean phytohemagglutinin, and wheat germ agglutinin.

Svenska synonymer


Engelska synonymer

Red Blood Cell Membrane Sialoglycoprotein beta-Sialoglycoprotein beta Sialoglycoprotein Glycophorin Erythrocyte Sialoglycoproteins Sialoglycoproteins, Erythrocyte Glycoconnectin Glycophorin A(M) Glycophorin A MN Sialoglycoprotein Sialoglycoprotein, MN Glycophorin C Glycoconnectins Glycophorin D Glycophorin E Ss Erythrocyte Membrane Sialoglycoproteins Ss Sialoglycoprotein Sialoglycoprotein, Ss Glycophorin B Glycophorin HA