

Svensk definition

Cerebrosider som polärt innehåller en glukosdel med glykosidbindning till hydroxylgruppen hos ceramider. Ansamling av ämnet i kroppsvävnaderna, pga betaglukosidasbrist, är orsaken till Gauchers sjukdom.

Engelsk definition

Cerebrosides which contain as their polar head group a glucose moiety bound in glycosidic linkage to the hydroxyl group of ceramides. Their accumulation in tissue, due to a defect in beta-glucosidase, is the cause of Gaucher's disease.

Svenska synonymer

Inga svenska synonymer finns.

Engelska synonymer

Glucosyl Ceramide Ceramide, Glucosyl Glucosyl Ceramides Ceramides, Glucosyl Glucocerebroside Glucosylceramide Glucocerebrosides