Genes, Homeobox


Svensk definition

Väl bevarade DNA-sekvenser som identifierats i specifika gentranskript som spänner från bananfluga (Drosophila melanogaster) till mus och människa. Homeobaxgener är delvis ansvariga för produktion av DNA-bindande proteiner med en genom evolutionen bevarad sekvens av ca 60 enheter (homeodomänproteiner).

Engelsk definition

Genes that encode highly conserved TRANSCRIPTION FACTORS that control positional identity of cells (BODY PATTERNING) and MORPHOGENESIS throughout development. Their sequences contain a 180 nucleotide sequence designated the homeobox, so called because mutations of these genes often results in homeotic transformations, in which one body structure replaces another. The proteins encoded by homeobox genes are called HOMEODOMAIN PROTEINS.

Svenska synonymer

Hoxgener Homeoboxsekvens Homeobox

Engelska synonymer

Gene, Homeobox Homeobox Gene Homeobox Genes Genes, Homeotic Gene, Homeotic Homeotic Gene Hox Genes Gene, Hox Genes, Hox Hox Gene Genes, Homeo Box Gene, Homeo Box Homeo Box Gene Homeo Box Genes Homeotic Genes Homeo Box Sequence Homeo Box Sequences Sequences, Homeo Box Homeo Boxes Sequence, Homeo Box Homeobox Sequence Homeobox Sequences Sequence, Homeobox Sequences, Homeobox Homeoboxes Homeo Box Homeobox