Glutamate-Cysteine Ligase


Svensk definition

Ett av enzymerna i gammaglutamylcykeln. Det katalyserar syntesen av gammaglutamylcystein från glutamat och cystein i närvaro av ATP, varvid bildas ADP och ortofosfat. EC

Engelsk definition

One of the enzymes active in the gamma-glutamyl cycle. It catalyzes the synthesis of gamma-glutamylcysteine from glutamate and cysteine in the presence of ATP with the formation of ADP and orthophosphate. EC

Svenska synonymer

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Engelska synonymer

Glutamate Cysteine Ligase Ligase, Glutamate-Cysteine gamma-Glutamyl-Cysteine Synthetase Synthetase, gamma-Glutamyl-Cysteine gamma Glutamyl Cysteine Synthetase Glutamylcysteine Synthetase Synthetase, Glutamylcysteine