Fallopian Tube Neoplasms


Svensk definition

Godartade eller elakartade tumörer i äggledarna. Tumörer är här ovanliga. Om sådana utvecklas, kan de uppträda i äggledarväggen eller växa ut i äggledarkanalen via en stjälk i väggen.

Engelsk definition

Benign or malignant neoplasms of the FALLOPIAN TUBES. They are uncommon. If they develop, they may be located in the wall or within the lumen as a growth attached to the wall by a stalk.

Svenska synonymer

Tubarcancer Tubartumörer Äggledarcancer

Engelska synonymer

Fallopian Tube Neoplasm Neoplasm, Fallopian Tube Neoplasms, Fallopian Tube Fallopian Tube Cancer Cancer, Fallopian Tube Cancers, Fallopian Tube Fallopian Tube Cancers Cancer of the Fallopian Tube