

Svensk definition

Exotoxiner från Staphylococcus aureus, fagtyp 2, som orsakar epidermal nekrolys. De består av proteiner med molekylvikter mellan 26 000 och 32 000 och ger upphov till ett sjukdomstillstånd som går under flera namn, som t ex Lyells syndrom, Ritters syndrom, epidermal exfoliation, toxisk epidermal nekrolys m m.

Engelsk definition

Protein exotoxins from Staphylococcus aureus, phage type II, which cause epidermal necrolysis. They are proteins with a molecular weight of 26,000 to 32,000. They cause a condition variously called scaled skin, Lyell or Ritter syndrome, epidermal exfoliative disease, toxic epidermal necrolysis, etc.

Svenska synonymer

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Engelska synonymer

Staphylococcal Exfoliative Toxin Exfoliative Toxin, Staphylococcal Toxin, Staphylococcal Exfoliative Epidermolysins Exfoliative Toxins Toxins, Exfoliative Exfoliatin Toxin A Toxin A, Exfoliatin Exfoliative Toxin B Toxin B, Exfoliative Dermolysins Epidermolytic Toxins Toxins, Epidermolytic