Enkephalin, Leucine

Enkefalin, leucin

Svensk definition

Tyrosylglycylglycylfenylalanylleucin. En endogen pentapeptid med morfinlikande verkan. Aminosyran i position 5 är leucin.

Engelsk definition

One of the endogenous pentapeptides with morphine-like activity. It differs from MET-ENKEPHALIN in the LEUCINE at position 5. Its first four amino acid sequence is identical to the tetrapeptide sequence at the N-terminal of BETA-ENDORPHIN.

Svenska synonymer

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Engelska synonymer

Leucine Enkephalin 5-Leucine Enkephalin 5 Leucine Enkephalin Enkephalin, 5-Leucine Leu(5)-Enkephalin Leu-Enkephalin Leu Enkephalin