Svensk definition
Hepatit orsakad av hepatit delta-virus i samband med hepatit B. Infektionen är endemisk i vissa europeiska länder och ses hos drogmissbrukare, blödarsjuka och personer som genomgått blodtransfusioner.
Hepatit orsakad av hepatit delta-virus i samband med hepatit B. Infektionen är endemisk i vissa europeiska länder och ses hos drogmissbrukare, blödarsjuka och personer som genomgått blodtransfusioner.
INFLAMMATION of the LIVER in humans caused by HEPATITIS DELTA VIRUS, a defective RNA virus that can only infect HEPATITIS B patients. For its viral coating, hepatitis delta virus requires the HEPATITIS B SURFACE ANTIGENS produced by these patients. Hepatitis D can occur either concomitantly with (coinfection) or subsequent to (superinfection) hepatitis B infection. Similar to hepatitis B, it is primarily transmitted by parenteral exposure, such as transfusion of contaminated blood or blood products, but can also be transmitted via sexual or intimate personal contact.
Inga svenska synonymer finns.
Delta Hepatitis — Hepatitides, Delta — Delta Infection — Infections, Delta — Hepatitis, Delta — Infection, Delta — Superinfection, Delta — Delta Superinfections — Superinfections, Delta — Delta Superinfection — Amazon Black Fever — Fever, Amazon Black — Black Fever, Amazon — Labrea Disease — Disease, Labrea — Diseases, Labrea — Labrea Diseases