Carrier State


Svensk definition

Infektionsstadium, i vilket den smittade bär på smittämne utan att uppvisa infektionssymtom. Den smittsamma organismen måste vara överföringsbar till annan mottaglig värd.

Engelsk definition

The condition of harboring an infective organism without manifesting symptoms of infection. The organism must be readily transmissible to another susceptible host.

Svenska synonymer

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Engelska synonymer

Carrier States Asymptomatic Carrier State Asymptomatic Carrier States Carrier State, Asymptomatic Asymptomatic Infection Carrier Asymptomatic Infection Carriers Infection Carrier, Asymptomatic Presymptomatic Carrier State Carrier State, Presymptomatic Presymptomatic Carrier States Presymptomatic Infection Carrier Infection Carrier, Presymptomatic Presymptomatic Infection Carriers Superspreader Carrier Carriers, Superspreader Carrier, Superspreader Superspreader Carriers Super-spreader Carrier Carriers, Super-spreader Carrier, Super-spreader Super spreader Carrier Super-spreader Carriers Inapparent Infection Carrier Inapparent Infection Carriers Infection Carrier, Inapparent