Breech Presentation


Svensk definition

Fosterläge som innebär att fostret vid förlossning visar bakdelen (ev. med fot eller knä) först.

Engelsk definition

A malpresentation of the FETUS at near term or during OBSTETRIC LABOR with the fetal cephalic pole in the fundus of the UTERUS. There are three types of breech: the complete breech with flexed hips and knees; the incomplete breech with one or both hips partially or fully extended; the frank breech with flexed hips and extended knees.

Svenska synonymer

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Engelska synonymer

Fetal Presentation, Breech Breech Fetal Presentation Presentation, Breech Fetal Labor Presentation, Breech Breech Labor Presentation Presentation, Breech Labor Presentation, Breech Frank Breech Presentation Breech Presentation, Frank Presentation, Frank Breech Incomplete Breech Breech, Incomplete Complete Breech Breech, Complete