Svensk definition
Fysiologiska processer hos båda könen i människors eller djurs fortplantnings- och urinvägssystem.
Fysiologiska processer hos båda könen i människors eller djurs fortplantnings- och urinvägssystem.
Physiology of the human and animal body, male or female, in the processes and characteristics of REPRODUCTION and the URINARY TRACT.
Fortplantnings- och urinvägsfysiologiska fenomen
Reproductive and Urinary Physiology — Reproductive and Urinary Tract Physiology — Reproductive and Urinary Physiology Phenomena — Reproductive and Urinary Tract Physiological Phenomena — Reproductive and Urinary Physiological Phenomenon — Reproductive and Urinary Tract Physiological Phenomenon — Reproductive and Urinary Physiology Concepts — Reproductive and Urinary Tract Physiological Concepts — Physiology, Reproductive and Urinary — Reproductive and Urinary Physiology Phenomenon