Reproductive and Urinary Physiological Phenomena

Fortplantnings- och urinvägsfysiologi

Svensk definition

Fysiologiska processer hos båda könen i människors eller djurs fortplantnings- och urinvägssystem.

Engelsk definition

Physiology of the human and animal body, male or female, in the processes and characteristics of REPRODUCTION and the URINARY TRACT.

Svenska synonymer

Fortplantnings- och urinvägsfysiologiska fenomen

Engelska synonymer

Reproductive and Urinary Physiology Reproductive and Urinary Tract Physiology Reproductive and Urinary Physiology Phenomena Reproductive and Urinary Tract Physiological Phenomena Reproductive and Urinary Physiological Phenomenon Reproductive and Urinary Tract Physiological Phenomenon Reproductive and Urinary Physiology Concepts Reproductive and Urinary Tract Physiological Concepts Physiology, Reproductive and Urinary Reproductive and Urinary Physiology Phenomenon