Mass Shooting Events


Svensk definition

Ett massmord med skjutvapen som innebär att 3 eller fler personer dödas vid ett och samma tillfälle.

Engelsk definition

A mass killing by firearm that consists of 3 or more killings in a single incident (H.R.2076 – 112th U.S. Congress (2011-2012): Investigative Assistance for Violent Crimes Act of 2012).

Svenska synonymer

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Engelska synonymer

Mass Shooting Event Shooting Event, Mass Shooting Events, Mass Shooting Spree Shooting Sprees Spree, Shooting Sprees, Shooting Mass Shooting Mass Shootings Shooting, Mass Shootings, Mass School Shooting School Shootings Shooting, School Shootings, School Active Shooter Event Active Shooter Events Event, Active Shooter Events, Active Shooter Shooter Event, Active Shooter Events, Active