Engelsk definition

A type of elimination diet restricting from foods with fermentable oligosaccharides, disaccharides, monosaccharides, and polyols, to help determine if specific foods containing these carbohydrates are triggering symptoms of IRRITABLE BOWEL SYNDROME.

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Engelska synonymer

Diets, FODMAP FODMAP Diets Diet, FODMAP FODMAPs Diet Diet, FODMAPs Diets, FODMAPs FODMAPs Diets FODMAP-Containing Diet Diet, FODMAP-Containing Diets, FODMAP-Containing FODMAP Containing Diet FODMAP-Containing Diets Low FODMAP Diet Diet, Low FODMAP Diets, Low FODMAP FODMAP Diet, Low FODMAP Diets, Low Low FODMAP Diets Low-FODMAP Diet Diet, Low-FODMAP Diets, Low-FODMAP Low-FODMAP Diets