

Engelsk definition

A subclass of crystallins expressed highly in lens of diurnal Australian MARSUPIALS and in neural tissue, muscle, and kidney in humans. It is not a structural protein accounting for the transparency of the human lens unlike other crystallins but instead plays a role in thyroid hormone bioavailability. It is also a cerebral ketimine reductase which reduces cyclic imines (e.g., DELTA(1)-PIPERIDINE-2-CARBOXYLIC ACID; CYSTATHIONINE KETIMINE and LANTHIONINE KETIMINE) in mammalian brain. Mutations in mu-crystallins are associated with an autosomal dominant NONSYNDROMIC DEAFNESS.

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Engelska synonymer

mu Crystallins NADP-Regulated Thyroid Hormone Binding Protein NADP Regulated Thyroid Hormone Binding Protein CRYM Protein Protein, CRYM THBP Protein Protein, THBP Crystallin mu mu, Crystallin Ketimine Reductase mu-Crystallin Ketimine Reductase mu Crystallin Reductase mu-Crystallin, Ketimine mu-Crystallin, Ketimine Reductase