DEAD Box Protein 58

Engelsk definition

A DEAD-box RNA helicase that contains an N-terminal DEATH-LIKE DOMAIN, AAA+ ATPase domain, and C-terminal RNA HELICASE activity. It functions as an innate immune receptor through its recognition of viral nucleic acids. It also induces the expression of INTERFERON TYPE I and proinflammatory CYTOKINES. Its ligands include: 5'-triphosphorylated SINGLE-STRANDED RNA, DOUBLE-STRANDED RNA (dsRNA), and short dsRNA (less than 1 kb in length).

Svenska synonymer

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Engelska synonymer

DEAD (Asp-Glu-Ala-Asp) Box Polypeptide 58 Probable ATP-Dependent RNA Helicase DDX58 Probable ATP Dependent RNA Helicase DDX58 RIG-I-like Receptor 1 RIG I like Receptor 1