Twin-Arginine-Translocation System

Svensk definition

Proteintranslokas hos bakterier eller kloroplaster som exporterar eller utsöndrar veckade proteiner. Hos gramnegativa bakterier är TAT involverad i exporten av veckade proteiner till periplasman. Hos kloroplaster är TAT involverad i transport av veckade proteiner via thylakoidmembraner.

Engelsk definition

Protein translocase in BACTERIA or CHLOROPLASTS that exports or secretes folded proteins. In GRAM-NEGATIVE BACTERIA, twin-arginine translocase (TAT) is involved in the export of folded proteins to the PERIPLASM. In chloroplasts, TAT is involved in transporting folded proteins across the membranes of THYLAKOIDS.

Svenska synonymer

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Engelska synonymer

Twin Arginine Translocation System Twin-Arginine-Translocation Systems Systems, Twin-Arginine-Translocation Twin Arginine Translocation Systems Twin-Arginine-Transport System System, Twin-Arginine-Transport Twin Arginine Transport System TAT Secretion Systems Secretion Systems, TAT Systems, TAT Secretion