Sensorimotor Cortex

Sensomotorisk cortex

Engelsk definition

A composite area of the cerebral cortex concerned with motor control and sensory perception comprising the motor cortex areas, the somatosensory areas, the gustatory cortex, the olfactory areas, the auditory cortex, and the visual cortex.

Svenska synonymer

Inga svenska synonymer finns.

Engelska synonymer

Cortex, Sensorimotor Cortices, Sensorimotor Sensorimotor Cortices Sensory Motor Area Area, Sensory Motor Areas, Sensory Motor Motor Area, Sensory Motor Areas, Sensory Sensory Motor Areas Sensory-Motor Cortex Cortex, Sensory-Motor Cortices, Sensory-Motor Sensory-Motor Cortices Sensory-Motor Area Area, Sensory-Motor Areas, Sensory-Motor Sensory-Motor Areas Sensorimotor Area Area, Sensorimotor Areas, Sensorimotor Sensorimotor Areas Sensory Motor Cortex Cortex, Sensory Motor Cortices, Sensory Motor Motor Cortex, Sensory Motor Cortices, Sensory Sensory Motor Cortices