Svensk definition
En anonym kärnreceptor med specificitet för hormonsvarsstrukturer i genpromotorer. Den binder DNA antingen som en homodimer eller som en heterodimer ihop med den närbesläktade anonyma kärnreceptorn kärnreceptorunderfamilj 2, grupp C, medlem 1. Proteinet beskrevs ursprungligen som ett testikelspecifikt protein och medverkar i regleringen av ett antal olika cellprocesser, inklusive celldifferentiering, cellproliferation och celldöd.
Engelsk definition
An orphan nuclear receptor that has specificity for hormone response elements found in the promoters of target genes. It binds DNA either as a homodimer or as heterodimer with the closely-related orphan nuclear receptor NUCLEAR RECEPTOR SUBFAMILY 2, GROUP C, MEMBER 1. The protein was originally identified as a TESTES-specific protein and is involved in the regulation of variety of cellular processes, including CELL DIFFERENTIATION; CELL PROLIFERATION; and APOPTOSIS.
Inga svenska synonymer finns.
TR4 Nuclear Hormone Receptor — TAK1 Receptor — Receptor, TAK1 — Testicular Receptor 4 — Nuclear Receptor NR2C2 — NR2C2, Nuclear Receptor — Orphan Nuclear Receptor TR4