Svensk definition
Ett kroniskt, förvärvat, idiopatiskt och fortskridande hudutslag som har samband med njursvikt. Det åtföljs ibland av systemisk fibros. Patogenesen tycks ha flera orsaker, med inblandning av cirkulerande fibrocyter som förutsättning. Det finns ett starkt samband mellan åkomman och användning av gadoliniumhaltiga kontrastmedel.
Engelsk definition
A chronic, acquired, idiopathic, progressive eruption of the skin that occurs in the context of RENAL FAILURE. It is sometimes accompanied by systemic fibrosis. The pathogenesis seems to be multifactorial, with postulated involvement of circulating fibrocytes. There is a strong association between this disorder and the use of gadolinium-based contrast agents.
Svenska synonymer
Nefrogen systemisk fibros
Engelska synonymer
Dermopathies, Nephrogenic Fibrosing — Dermopathy, Nephrogenic Fibrosing — Fibrosing Dermopathies, Nephrogenic — Fibrosing Dermopathy, Nephrogenic — Nephrogenic Fibrosing Dermopathies — Nephrogenic Systemic Fibrosis — Fibroses, Nephrogenic Systemic — Fibrosis, Nephrogenic Systemic — Nephrogenic Systemic Fibroses — Systemic Fibroses, Nephrogenic — Systemic Fibrosis, Nephrogenic