Engelsk definition
A type of permanent damage to muscles and nerves that results from prolonged lack blood flow to those tissues. It is characterized by shortening and stiffening of the muscles.
A type of permanent damage to muscles and nerves that results from prolonged lack blood flow to those tissues. It is characterized by shortening and stiffening of the muscles.
Ischemisk sammandragning — Volkmanns kontraktur
Contracture, Ischemic — Contractures, Ischemic — Ischemic Contractures — Contracture, Volkmann — Contractures, Volkmann — Volkmann Contractures — Volkmann Contracture — Volkmann's Ischemic Contracture — Contracture, Volkmann's Ischemic — Ischemic Contracture, Volkmann's — Volkmann Ischemic Contracture — Volkmanns Ischemic Contracture