Latent TGF-beta Binding Proteins

Latent TGF-betabindande proteiner

Svensk definition

En familj utsöndrade flerdomänsproteiner som ursprungligen påvisades genom sin association med den latenta formen av TGF (tumörtillväxtfaktor). De samverkar med ett antal olika proteiner i den extracellulära matrisen och spelar eventuellt en roll vid regleringen av biotillgängligheten av TGF-beta.

Engelsk definition

A family of secreted multidomain proteins that were originally identified by their association with the latent form of TRANSFORMING GROWTH FACTORS. They interact with a variety of EXTRACELLULAR MATRIX PROTEINS and may play a role in the regulation of TGB-beta bioavailability.

Svenska synonymer

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Engelska synonymer

Latent TGF beta Binding Proteins Latent TGF-beta Binding Protein Latent TGF beta Binding Protein Latent TGF-beta Binding Protein 4 Latent TGF beta Binding Protein 4 Latent TGF-beta Binding Protein 3 Latent TGF beta Binding Protein 3 Latent TGF-beta Binding Protein 1 Latent TGF beta Binding Protein 1 Latent TGF-beta Binding Protein 2 Latent TGF beta Binding Protein 2