

Svensk definition

Ett väl bevarat heterodimerglykoprotein som uttrycks på differentierat sätt under många svåra, fysiologiska störningstillstånd, så som vid cancer, apoptos och olika nervsjukdomar. Klusterin produceras överallt och tycks fungera som en utsöndrad molekylär chaperon.

Engelsk definition

A highly conserved heterodimeric glycoprotein that is differentially expressed during many severe physiological disturbance states such as CANCER; APOPTOSIS; and various NEUROLOGICAL DISORDERS. Clusterin is ubiquitously expressed and appears to function as a secreted MOLECULAR CHAPERONE.

Svenska synonymer

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Engelska synonymer

SGP-2 Protein SGP 2 Protein Apolipoprotein J Complement Lysis Inhibitor Complement-Associated Protein SP-40,40 Complement Associated Protein SP 40,40 SP-40,40, Complement-Associated Protein Sulfated Glycoprotein 2 Sulfated Glycoprotein-2 Ionizing Radiation-Induced Protein-8 Ionizing Radiation Induced Protein 8 Radiation-Induced Protein-8, Ionizing XIP8 Protein X-Ray-Inducible Protein 8 X Ray Inducible Protein 8 Testosterone-Repressed Prostate Message-2 Protein Testosterone Repressed Prostate Message 2 Protein ApoJ Protein TRPM-2 Protein TRPM 2 Protein MAC393 Antigen SP 40,40 Protein