Engelsk definition
A POU domain factor that regulates expression of GROWTH HORMONE; PROLACTIN; and THYROTROPIN-BETA in the ANTERIOR PITUITARY GLAND.
A POU domain factor that regulates expression of GROWTH HORMONE; PROLACTIN; and THYROTROPIN-BETA in the ANTERIOR PITUITARY GLAND.
Inga svenska synonymer finns.
Pit-1, Transcription Factor — Transcription Factor Pit 1 — GHF1 Protein — Pit-1 Transcription Factor — Pit 1 Transcription Factor — Transcription Factor, Pit-1 — Pituitary-Specific Transcription Factor Pit-1 — Pituitary Specific Transcription Factor Pit 1 — Transcription Factor GHF-1 — GHF-1, Transcription Factor — Transcription Factor GHF 1 — GHF-1 Transcription Factor — GHF 1 Transcription Factor — Transcription Factor, GHF-1 — Pit1 Growth Hormone Factor — Transcription Factor Pit-2 — Pit-2, Transcription Factor — Transcription Factor Pit 2 — Pit-2 Protein — Pit 2 Protein