Post-Concussion Syndrome

Postkommotionella syndrom

Engelsk definition

The organic and psychogenic disturbances observed after closed head injuries (HEAD INJURIES, CLOSED). Post-concussion syndrome includes subjective physical complaints (i.e. headache, dizziness), cognitive, emotional, and behavioral changes. These disturbances can be chronic, permanent, or late emerging.

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Engelska synonymer

Post Concussion Syndrome Post-Concussive Symptoms Post Concussive Symptoms Post-Concussive Symptom Post-Concussion Symptoms Post Concussion Symptoms Post-Concussion Symptom Post-Concussive Syndrome Post Concussive Syndrome Post-Concussive Syndromes Post-Concussive Syndrome, Chronic Chronic Post-Concussive Syndrome Chronic Post-Concussive Syndromes Post Concussive Syndrome, Chronic Post-Concussive Syndromes, Chronic