Communicable Diseases, Emerging

Nya smittsamma sjukdomar

Svensk definition

Rapportering om nya eller återuppståndna infektionssjukdomar och studier som försöker utöka förståelsen av faktorer av betydelse för uppkomst, förebyggande och utrotning av sådana sjukdomar.

Engelsk definition

Infectious diseases that are novel in their outbreak ranges (geographic and host) or transmission mode.

Svenska synonymer

Nya infektionssjukdomar Återkommande smittsamma sjukdomar Återkommande infektionssjukdomar

Engelska synonymer

Communicable Disease, Emerging Disease, Emerging Communicable Diseases, Emerging Communicable Emerging Communicable Disease Emerging Communicable Diseases Infectious Diseases, Emerging Disease, Emerging Infectious Diseases, Emerging Infectious Emerging Infectious Disease Emerging Infectious Diseases Infectious Disease, Emerging Communicable Diseases, Reemerging Communicable Disease, Reemerging Disease, Reemerging Communicable Diseases, Reemerging Communicable Reemerging Communicable Disease Reemerging Communicable Diseases Infectious Diseases, Reemerging Disease, Reemerging Infectious Diseases, Reemerging Infectious Infectious Disease, Reemerging Reemerging Infectious Disease Reemerging Infectious Diseases Communicable Diseases, Re-Emerging Communicable Disease, Re-Emerging Communicable Diseases, Re Emerging Disease, Re-Emerging Communicable Diseases, Re-Emerging Communicable Re-Emerging Communicable Disease Re-Emerging Communicable Diseases Infectious Diseases, Re-Emerging Disease, Re-Emerging Infectious Diseases, Re-Emerging Infectious Infectious Disease, Re-Emerging Infectious Diseases, Re Emerging Re-Emerging Infectious Disease Re-Emerging Infectious Diseases