Apraxia, Ideomotor

Apraxi, ideomotorisk

Svensk definition

Handlingsoförmaga kännetecknad av förvärvad oförmåga att utföra motoriska aktiviteter trots handling i tanken.

Engelsk definition

A form of apraxia characterized by an acquired inability to carry out a complex motor activity despite the ability to mentally formulate the action. This condition has been attributed to a disruption of connections between the dominant parietal cortex and supplementary and premotor cortical regions in both hemispheres. (From Adams et al., Principles of Neurology, 6th ed, p57)

Svenska synonymer

Ideomotorisk apraxi

Engelska synonymer

Apraxias, Ideomotor Ideomotor Apraxias Apraxia, Limb Kinetic Apraxias, Limb Kinetic Kinetic Apraxia, Limb Kinetic Apraxias, Limb Limb Kinetic Apraxia Limb Kinetic Apraxias Ideomotor Apraxia Classic Apraxia Apraxia, Classic Apraxias, Classic Classic Apraxias Dyspraxia, Ideomotor Dyspraxias, Ideomotor Ideomotor Dyspraxia Ideomotor Dyspraxias Apraxia, Ideokinetic Apraxias, Ideokinetic Ideokinetic Apraxia Ideokinetic Apraxias Apraxia, Transcortical Apraxias, Transcortical Transcortical Apraxia Transcortical Apraxias