

Svensk definition

En ordning av svampar (tickor) tillhörande fylet Basidiomycota med makroskopiska basidiokarper. De har typisk saprofytisk aktivitet och bryter ned cellulosa och lignin. Många arter har haft medicinsk användning.

Engelsk definition

An order of fungi in the phylum BASIDIOMYCOTA having macroscopic basidiocarps. The members are characterized by their saprophytic activities as decomposers, particularly in the degradation of CELLULOSE and LIGNIN. A large number of species in the order have been used medicinally. (From Alexopoulos, Introductory Mycology, 4th ed, pp504-68)

Svenska synonymer


Engelska synonymer

Polyporale Aphyllophorales Aphyllophorale