Dietary Supplements


Svensk definition

Kostprodukter i kapsel-, tablett- eller flytande form som ger essentiella näringsämnen, som t ex något vitamin, mineral, protein, någon ört eller liknande näringspreparat.

Engelsk definition

Products in capsule, tablet or liquid form that provide dietary ingredients, and that are intended to be taken by mouth to increase the intake of nutrients. Dietary supplements can include macronutrients, such as proteins, carbohydrates, and fats; and/or MICRONUTRIENTS, such as VITAMINS; MINERALS; and PHYTOCHEMICALS.

Svenska synonymer

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Engelska synonymer

Dietary Supplement Supplements, Dietary Dietary Supplementations Supplementations, Dietary Food Supplementations Food Supplements Food Supplement Supplement, Food Supplements, Food Nutraceuticals Nutraceutical Nutriceuticals Nutriceutical Neutraceuticals Neutraceutical Herbal Supplements Herbal Supplement Supplement, Herbal Supplements, Herbal