

Svensk definition

Den mest omfattande delen av hjärnbarken. Den består av nervceller ordnade i sex lager.

Engelsk definition

The largest portion of the CEREBRAL CORTEX in which the NEURONS are arranged in six layers in the mammalian brain: molecular, external granular, external pyramidal, internal granular, internal pyramidal and multiform layers.

Svenska synonymer

Isocortex Kortikal substans Substantia corticalis

Engelska synonymer

Neocortices Substantia Corticalis Corticali, Substantia Corticalis, Substantia Substantia Corticali Cerebral Neocortex Cerebral Neocortices Neocortex, Cerebral Neocortices, Cerebral Neopallial Cortex Cortex, Neopallial Cortices, Neopallial Neopallial Cortices Neopallium Neopalliums Isocortex Isocortices Neocortical External Pyramidal Layer Neocortical Multiform Layer Layer, Neocortical Multiform Layers, Neocortical Multiform Multiform Layer, Neocortical Multiform Layers, Neocortical Neocortical Multiform Layers Neocortical Internal Pyramidal Layer Neocortical Molecular Layer Layer, Neocortical Molecular Layers, Neocortical Molecular Molecular Layer, Neocortical Molecular Layers, Neocortical Neocortical Molecular Layers Neocortical External Granular Layer External Granular Layer External Granular Layers Granular Layer, External Granular Layers, External Layer, External Granular Layers, External Granular Neocortical Internal Granular Layer